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Blog New Moon, New You: Taurus' Hidden Power

New Moon, New You: Taurus' Hidden Power


Unlocking Transformation: Grounded Growth Amidst Cosmic Tension

On May 19th at 11:53am EST, we welcome the New Moon in the grounded sign of Taurus, a sign known for its practicality, patience, and sensuality. This New Moon offers a unique opportunity to sow the seeds for long-term stability and growth. However, with a number of key planetary aspects in play, it promises to be a potent mix of cosmic energy.

If you know how to read your chart look to see where this new moon falls, ♉28°25 and create extra intentions for that area of your life.  If you don't have your chart, download my Free Introduction to Astrology Guide to get started creating yours.

At this time, the Moon will be sextile (an aspect of harmony and opportunity) Mars in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces. This presents a wonderful chance to channel our emotions (Mars in Cancer) into our dreams and spirituality (Neptune in Pisces). Expect an upwelling of creativity, intuition, and empathic connection. The nurturing qualities of Cancer and the dreamy essence of Pisces can inspire us to turn our deepest dreams into reality.

Additionally, the Moon will form a trine (another favorable aspect) with Pluto in Aquarius. This aspect encourages transformation, empowering us to break free from past limitations and embrace a future that aligns with our highest ideals. Pluto's transformative power combined with Aquarius's forward-thinking and revolutionary spirit may lead to deep, systemic changes in our lives and society at large.

However, the tension is also in the air as Mars will be opposite Pluto. This aspect can bring power struggles or confrontations to the forefront, but remember, this can also be a catalyst for change and evolution. It's a potent reminder to balance assertiveness with empathy.

Further complicating the energetic mix, Mars and Pluto will both square (an aspect indicating challenges or conflicts) Jupiter in Taurus. This can lead to excessive confidence or overly ambitious goals. Be mindful not to overcommit or overextend yourself. Remember, Taurus encourages us to remain practical and grounded.

Finally, Neptune will be sextile Pluto and trine Mars, again suggesting a strong interplay between our dreams, transformation, and actions. This is a potent time for spiritual growth and creative exploration. 

Here are some tips to help you navigate this new moon energy

Embrace Transformation
: With the Moon trine Pluto in Aquarius, this is an opportune time for personal transformation. Welcome changes, even if they're uncomfortable. Consider areas in your life where you need evolution and growth.

Balance Ambition and Practicality: With Mars and Pluto squaring Jupiter in Taurus, it's essential to balance ambition with practicality. Yes, dream big, but also keep your feet firmly grounded. Be mindful of overcommitting and remember to pace yourself.

Nurture Your Dreams: The Moon's sextile aspect with Neptune in Pisces encourages us to connect with our dreams and intuition. Make space for creative and spiritual practices in your daily routine. Meditate, journal, paint, dance - do whatever feeds your soul.

Channel Emotions Constructively: Mars in Cancer sextile the Moon suggests a time of heightened emotions. Rather than suppressing them, find constructive outlets for emotional expression. This could be through art, music, or even heartfelt conversations.

Avoid Power Struggles: With Mars opposite Pluto, there can be a tendency towards power struggles. Practice patience and compassion. Remember, everyone is dealing with their own battles. Seek to understand before being understood.

Ground Yourself: Finally, as this New Moon is in Taurus, grounding exercises can be particularly beneficial. Spend time in nature, practice mindfulness or yoga, or simply take a few moments to breathe deeply and be present.

Wishing you a grounding and inspirational Taurus New Moon!

Big hugs and lots of love ~ Debbie 💞

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