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Blog You Have the Power to Achieve It (Capricorn Full Moon)

You Have the Power to Achieve It (Capricorn Full Moon)


On July 13, 2022 the Cancer ♋ Sun and Capricorn ♑ Moon will be directly opposite each other giving us a beautiful 'Full Moon' in the sky.

We will all feel this full moon a little (maybe a lot) more than usual as it is a 'Super' Full Moon.  Super Moon's occur when the moon is closer to Earth's orbit, you will notice that it actually will look bigger as it rises into the sky.

Now what does this all mean for us as it relates to astrology?

As with every full moon there is a balancing act. Have you started to feel the pull? One part of you wants to be out there making big things happen (Capricorn) and the other part of you just wants to stay hidden in your comfy shell (Cancer). 

Capricorn is a Cardinal Earth Sign and it's key words are 'I achieve'.  We all want to achieve something during our lifetime, what this is will vary from person to person.  Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn shares with us that if we want to acheive big things (or even little things) we need to do a few things first.  

First, we need to take responsibility.  Yes, it is nice to get a little help from our friends but ultimately it is our own responsibiliy to make things happen.

Next, we need to focus.  In today's world of electronics and social media it is easy to get distracted from our goals.  If you want to acheive big things than you need to create a plan and focus.

Lastly, we need to take action.  Did I mention that Capricorn is a Cardinal sign?  Cardinal signs make things happen by initiating them.  They don't sit back and wait for someone else to give them direction.

And one more thing ... Capricorn energy doesn't just give us all gold medals just for showing up, we need to earn them, put in the work.

A couple of extra plot twists for this Full Moon Story ... 

Saturn, the ruler of this full moon will be in a trine with Venus making it a wonderful opportunity for relationships.  Perhaps you will feel ready to make a commitment.

Pluto, is sitting very close to the moon and will meet up exact later in the day.  He loves a good transformation story.  Now Pluto can bring out our fears and leave us feelng powerless or he can remind us that our true power never leaves us and is always inside.
Mercury, the planet who rules our thoughts will be directly opposite Pluto and the moon as he is sitting right next to the sun.  Don't let those scary thoughts or self-limiting beliefs stop you from achieving your goals, you've got this!!

Uranus, will be in trine with the moon and sextile the sunand mercury reminding us that we each have our own unique approach to achieving things.  Your path may look very different from your neighbor's path.  As Uranus loves surprises you may get a spark of inspiration or some exciting information during this full moon. 

Need a little inspiration? Below are 5 steps to help you prepare for this week's Full Moon 👇

1. Give yourself credit for your accomplishments Make a list of all the things you have achieved since last year at this time (make sure you list everything, even the little things). The past couple of years have been difficult and you have made it through. This is the time to give yourself a pat on the back.

2. Take Responsibility for your life Be honest with yourself, where have you not been showing up? Where have you been hiding or dusting things under the rug or putting your head in the sand? What can you do now to step up?

3. Let go of your self-limiting beliefs Many times, we prevent ourselves from achieving our goals because FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) gets in the way. What story do you keep repeating to yourself that is not true and is just fear stopping you in your tracks and sending you back home to bed?

4. Set goals Capricorn loves goals and achieving things. So create a list. What would you like to achieve today, this week, next month, this year? Remember life is not a race, not everything will happen immediately. The ruler of Capricorn is Saturn, and Saturn is all about time. Big goals can take big time. Which leads to my last tip …

5. Don’t be so hard on yourself Many times, we tend to be our own worst enemy. Allow yourself to make mistakes, that is how we learn. Don’t try to be perfect, imperfection is so much prettier.

Now go back to step 1 and repeat 😊  


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